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Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

By Natalia Martinez

If you've experienced trauma, you may know what flashbacks and nightmares are like. Most individuals who are living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experience nightmares or flashbacks. This is one more way that the brain reacts to a traumatic experience. Understanding what nightmares and flashbacks are, how they affect you, and how to cope can help in increasing your quality of life.

What are trauma nightmares?

Nightmares, also known as a bad dream, can happen at all stages of sleep, but are more common during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. A trauma nightmare often involves scary or upsetting content, though not always. You may have nightmares after a traumatic event or even if you're just really stressed out about something in your life. It’s also possible that trauma nightmares happen years after the actual event. According to the National Library of Medicine about 72% of individuals afflicted with PTSD experience nightmares.

Upon waking up from a trauma nightmare you may feel frightened, disoriented, confused, distressed, panicked, etc. This is especially true if it was an intense nightmare. Most nightmares are upsetting and evoke an uncomfortable emotional response within us immediately upon waking up from it. Nightmares differ from flashbacks in that they usually happen during sleep. 

What are trauma flashbacks?

Trauma flashbacks are moments when you feel like you're re-experiencing a stressful situation (trauma) that happened in the past. It’s like reliving the trauma in the moment. In fact, during trauma flashbacks your brain and body react as if it were really happening, despite it not happening at all. They often occur without warning. Although, some sensory stimuli such as sights, sounds, and certain smells can trigger a flashback. Identifying your triggers is important to help you cope through a flashback or even to help prevent one. 

How do flashbacks affect us?

Flashbacks are not only overwhelming, causing intense fear and anxiety, but they can also have an impact on various areas of our lives. Flashbacks can evoke the same emotions you have associated with the trauma such as sadness, anger, or guilt.  Flashbacks can make it more difficult to sleep or to focus. Physical symptoms associated with flashbacks can include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

How can I cope with flashbacks and trauma nightmares?

  • Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings.

  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, grounding techniques, and mindfulness. Progressive muscle relaxation right before going to sleep is particularly helpful with decreasing trauma nightmares.

  • Try writing down your feelings in a journal. This can help you process your thoughts and make sense of them on paper so that they're easier for you to understand.

  • Work on sleep hygiene and focus on getting good sleep! Sleep deprivation can lead to flashbacks and nightmares because it increases stress levels in the body. This increases cortisol production which activates traumatic memories stored in the amygdala part of our brains (the fear center). 

  • If possible, try avoiding drugs/alcohol before bedtime since. These can disrupt REM cycles leading up until morning time when we are most likely experiencing our most vivid dreams/nightmares - especially if under stressors such as PTSD symptoms related ones such as anxiety attacks etc..

Can a therapist really help with flashbacks and trauma nightmares?

Yes! You can address your flashbacks and trauma nightmares with a therapist who can help you work through the different factors contributing to your experience. Seeking out professional help can be scary and intimidating, but by doing so you are stepping into your journey towards healing. It’s not uncommon to wonder if your symptoms are “severe enough” to seek out a therapist. Maybe you may even be questioning if you’re “just being dramatic.” Be encouraged by knowing that everyone experiences trauma differently. What may be hard for one person to handle, may not be for someone else. What might help one person won't necessarily help another. While one person might suffer from flashbacks and nightmares, another might not have any noticeable signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So whatever symptoms you are experiences, it is worth contacting a therapist who will help walk you through your journey towards healing.

You don't have to live with nightmares & flashbacks

If you're experiencing flashbacks and trauma nightmares, it can be helpful to understand what they are and how they affect you. Be encouraged in knowing that you don’t have to live with constant reminders of your past trauma. You don't have to worry about re-living moments or events because of various triggers that you can’t seem to get a hold of.  There are ways to cope with flashbacks and trauma nightmares, so that you may feel the freedom you deserve. Talk to a therapist who can help you work through your painful experiences and learn healthy ways to help address your nightmares and flashbacks. Together, you and your therapist can create a plan to help you heal and move forward.  

Nightmares and flashbacks are just one aspect of trauma. Catch up on the rest of our trauma series to learn more:

Part 1: 5 Signs You May Need a Trauma Therapist in Tampa, FL

Part 2: Identifying and Changing Negative Thought Patterns After Trauma

Part 3: Understanding and Coping With Painful Trauma Nightmares and Flashbacks

Part 4: Coping with the Numb, Disconnected, and Detached Feelings Caused by Trauma

Part 5: Unpacking Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Identify Behaviors You Need To Let Go Of

Part 6: Overcoming the Fear and Avoidance of Trauma Triggers with Therapy


Nightmares and flashbacks can have a major impact on our lives. Our therapists can offer guidance and coping skills for these traumatic events from our North Tampa, FL office located in the Northdale neighborhood. To start grounding yourself and managing your symptoms, follow these simple steps: 

Contact Christian Counseling of Tampa or call us at 813-254-3200

Schedule to meet with one of our counselors at our North or South office.

Start learning to manage your symptoms associated with your trauma.


Our Tampa, FL-based therapy practice offers a wide range of services to meet your specific needs.

We understand the many ways your mental health may be impacted in life. As a result, our team is happy to also offer play therapy, premarital counseling, Christian counseling, counseling for teens and young adults, and therapy for depression. We use a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, EFT, grief therapy, and more! Feel free to learn more about us by visiting our FAQ or blog today.