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Chris Thayer

Drifting in Traffic: How To Stay Grounded In The Midst of Chaos

Drifting in Traffic: How To Stay Grounded In The Midst of Chaos

I find myself driving to work, sitting in traffic, my mind swirling with non-stop thoughts. This happens often when I am sitting in the car alone, or heading to work. I have a barrage of thoughts on my mind. To be honest, it's more of a to-do list for the day, week, or month. Is this overwhelming? Or is this normal? Either way, it can be exhausting.

I do find it interesting that we have the capacity to zone out of one event that can cause anxiety and angst but allow our minds to dive into the stress elsewhere. For example, while we have the ability to tune out the stress of traffic, our minds have the ability to spiral out of control with other worries.  It can be challenging to stay rooted and centered in such moments.

5 Reasons Executive Leaders and CEOs Need Counseling

5 Reasons Executive Leaders and CEOs Need Counseling

Executive Leaders and CEOs, no matter how successful, face a unique set of challenges. As the leader of a company or organization, they often carry a large burden of responsibility that can weigh on them in ways other employees may not understand. While many Executive Leaders and CEOs are strong enough to cope with these pressures, there are times when counseling can help alleviate these issues and provide much needed clarity and direction. Many people think of counseling as a last resort, something to do when all else fails. However, counseling can be a great asset for anyone who is looking to improve when things are going well.

How to Find the Right Trauma Therapist

How to Find the Right Trauma Therapist

Experiencing trauma can be a confusing and isolating experience. During this difficult time, it is important to find a therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with. If you have recently gone through a traumatic event, experienced trauma growing up, or are living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), here are some tips to help you find the right counselor for your trauma needs in Northdale, FL or South Tampa, FL.

Worried about Holiday Trauma revisiting you this year?

Worried about Holiday Trauma revisiting you this year?


If you're dreading the holiday season because you're worried about your past trauma being triggered, you're not alone. Triggers can come in many forms such as songs, family rituals, scents, sights, and memories. Then there is always the pressure to conform to societal and familial expectations that says, “it is the most wonderful time of the year”.

In a survey by NAMI, “approximately 75% of overall respondents reported that the holidays contribute to feeling sad or dissatisfied and 68% financially strained. 66% have experienced have loneliness, 63% too much pressure and 57% unrealistic expectations. 55% found themselves remembering happier times in the past contrasting with the present, while 50% were unable to be with loved ones.”