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Drifting in Traffic: How To Stay Grounded In The Midst of Chaos

By Chris Thayer

I find myself driving to work, sitting in traffic, my mind swirling with non-stop thoughts. This happens often when I am sitting in the car alone, or heading to work. I have a barrage of thoughts on my mind. To be honest, it's more of a to-do list for the day, week, or month. Is this overwhelming? Or is this normal? Either way, it can be exhausting.

I do find it interesting that we have the capacity to zone out of one event that can cause anxiety and angst but allow our minds to dive into the stress elsewhere. For example, while we have the ability to tune out the stress of traffic, our minds have the ability to spiral out of control with other worries.  It can be challenging to stay rooted and centered in such moments.

Why Does Our Anxiety Strike in Traffic?

The reality is that when we are stuck in traffic, our minds can wander and become overwhelmed with the thoughts and worries of life. So what is our mind's response? When our mind becomes overwhelmed with thoughts, our default is to try and keep them in check by making a mental to-do list. 

But this can often lead to more stress and anxiety as we try to remember every task. One reason these thoughts build and cause chaos in our minds is that when we drive alone, we feel isolated. This can lead to negative thoughts and anxiety. Even if being alone isn't the source of our stress. So, how can we stay grounded in the midst of chaos?

Research shows that to-do-lists can lead to anxiety

A study from researchers at Crucial Learning, a leadership training company found that when it comes to managing our time and to-do lists, we're habitually overcommitted and overwhelmed.

The survey of over 1,300 people reveals 3 out of 5 have agreed to complete more than they can actually do in the time available. On top of that, 1 in 5 say they have reached their limit and can't commit to anything more.

Our tendency to overcommit is not abnormal in the world we live in. In fact, 1 in 3 say they ALWAYS have more tasks in front of them than they can actually get done, and 2 in 3 say they USUALLY find themselves in this same predicament.

You may ask, what makes up a lot of commitments? According to the study, 60 percent of respondents say they have more than 60 tasks on their weekly to-do list (both work and personal commitments) and 15 percent of those people have more than 100 tasks. When asked to report on their entire life to-do list, 71 percent said they have 120+ tasks on their to-do list and 20 percent of those have 200+ tasks they are trying to accomplish. No wonder to-do-lists can cause us stress and anxiety!  How can we ever hope to keep up with everything?

Staying Grounded In The Midst of Chaos and Anxiety

Our minds can easily become overwhelmed with a never-ending list of thoughts. Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, stressed, and anxious is a normal part of life, but there are ways to keep ourselves in check. There are ways to manage these feelings.

Take Voice Memos

Daily commutes can be overwhelming with one's mind racing. Which is something we often don't acknowledge, how much it affects our overall well-being. One way to handle this is to take a voice memo. Get all of your thoughts out in audio or text on your phone. You can record yourself or use a voice-to-text feature on your phone to get all your thoughts and to-do-list items out in audio or written form.

This allows you to avoid the stress of needing to remember and feeling like it is all too much. It allows you to revisit your list at a later point of time. Doing so will give you a sense of control over the situation and can help alleviate some of the stress. It will help empty your mind of the thoughts swirling around in your head. Allowing your mind some peace and quiet.

Practice Mindfulness

Another way to stay grounded in the midst of chaos is to practice a mindfulness technique. With this technique, slow down and acknowledge your thoughts and emotions in that moment. Sit with them but don't let them overwhelm you. Think about your five senses: What do you see? smell? hear? taste? and/or feel? Use this time to pray or read scripture to seek God in the midst of overwhelm and stress.  Or listen to uplifting music that may allow you to slow down and think clearly to refocus your thoughts.

Practicing mindfulness pauses the chaos in its tracks. It allows you to deal with emotions in a more productive way. This way you can look at the feelings and thoughts surrounding you so that you can work through them.

Reach Out To Loved Ones

If you feel as if you need to talk through your thoughts and feelings, call a friend, family member, or loved one. See how their day is going and listen. This helps to break the cycle of repetitive thoughts. It refocuses your attention on someone else while providing an outlet to vent your own concerns.

Also, connecting with others offers a sense of belonging and can go a long way in boosting one's mood. So, not only will this help to take your mind off of the chaos, but it can also provide an outlet for connecting with someone you care about.

It's important to remember that stress and anxiety can also stem from deeper traumas or underlying mental health conditions. If you find that your feelings of overwhelm or anxiety are persistent and interfere with your daily life, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional. 

There are ways to ground yourself in the midst of chaos and anxiety, and hopefully, these strategies will help bring your mind and emotions some peace.

Read more about 10 activities in the Tampa area to cultivate Christian mindfulness.


When chaos builds as you're driving to work, remember there are ways to ease your mind and emotions. You don't have to suffer in silence or feel overwhelmed. Our team of caring therapists can offer support from our North Tampa, FL office or our South Tampa, FL office. To start grounding yourself and managing your stress, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Contact Christian Counseling of Tampa or call us at 813-254-3200

  2. Schedule to meet with one of our counselors at our North or South office.

  3. Start feeling grounded and back in control.


Anxiety treatment for when you're feeling overwhelmed is not the only service offered by our Tampa, FL-based therapy practice. We understand the many ways your mental health may be impacted in life. As a result, our team is happy to also offer play therapy, premarital counseling, Christian counseling, counseling for teens and young adults, therapy for trauma, and therapy for depression. We use a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, EFT, grief therapy, and more! Feel free to learn more about us by visiting our FAQ or blog today.