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Drifting in Traffic: How To Stay Grounded In The Midst of Chaos

Drifting in Traffic: How To Stay Grounded In The Midst of Chaos

I find myself driving to work, sitting in traffic, my mind swirling with non-stop thoughts. This happens often when I am sitting in the car alone, or heading to work. I have a barrage of thoughts on my mind. To be honest, it's more of a to-do list for the day, week, or month. Is this overwhelming? Or is this normal? Either way, it can be exhausting.

I do find it interesting that we have the capacity to zone out of one event that can cause anxiety and angst but allow our minds to dive into the stress elsewhere. For example, while we have the ability to tune out the stress of traffic, our minds have the ability to spiral out of control with other worries.  It can be challenging to stay rooted and centered in such moments.